An eye on everything
In every issue of ADAC Motorwelt, a prominent double tells the story of their personal mobile life. For the second issue of the club magazine, managing editor Gordon Detels met actors Adele Neuhauser and Harald Krassnitzer in Vienna. A conversation about classic cars vs. youngtimers and mobility in the city and in the country. The Berlin photographer Urban Zintel portrayed the good-humoured television couple for us.
A parking garage near the Wiener Prater. Not far away Adele Neuhauser and Harald Krassnitzer are shooting a new "Tatort"-scene. During their break they come by for a chat and photos. When Adele Neuhauser enters the parking deck and discovers the 1965 Ford Mustang, there is no stopping her. Seconds later we find her behind the wheel, starting the engine. The tandem catches Harald Krassnitzers attention, he immediately does a few laps. This raises some questions.
Mrs. Neuhauser, if Mr. Krassnitzer were a car, which model would he be?
Neuhauser: A nice old MG. It's like Harry: smart, fast, stylish and always keeping its feet on the ground. Because Harry is also airy in the head, he would definitely be a convertible.
Krassnitzer: An old MG is damn susceptible to repairs, Adele!
Neuhauser: You do like to tinker a little, Harry.
What kind of car would Mrs Neuhauser be, Mr Krassnitzer?
Krassnitzer: A concept car. It combines everything: from sports cars to luxurious family cars. I sense security, safety, sublimity. Of course, Adele is only available with full equipment, including leather seats and clever audio equipment. But she also has traits of a Renault R4: simple, plain and straightforward.
Mrs. Neuhauser, as Bibi Fellner at the "Tatort" scene, you spent a long time driving around in a Pontiac Firebird – a pimpmobile, as you, Mr. Krassnitzer, always said in the role of inspector Moritz Eisner. Now you're driving a Skoda. Do you miss the old car?
Neuhauser: Absolutely. I have a relationship to cars, also in my personal life. A good car has a character and a face. The Pontiac was such a car – even if it was unpleasant to drive: it promised more than it kept. But we had worked it through at some point, so it was allowed to die. Unfortunately the current model is a faceless company car.
You can read the entire interview in the ADAC issue 02/2020.
More information about the new ADAC Motorwelt can be found on the ADAC website.

Four times a year the ADAC Motorwelt offers information and service, reports, columns, tests and celebrity-interviews on the topics of cars, travel and mobility. The magazine is available in around 9,100 German Edeka and Netto subsidiaries. Club members can take it free of charge at the checkout.