Already e-mobile
Electromobility offers many advantages. Nevertheless, many Munich residents are hesitant to purchase their own electric vehicle. To dispel common prejudices, we have collected arguments for issue 02/2021 of M-Puls that already speak in favor of an electric car.
The range is suitable for (almost) all journeys
From Munich to Frankfurt without recharging? No problem! A full battery will take you an average of 400 kilometres. That's enough for most people in everyday life. Only those who want to go on longer trips with an electric car need to plan their journey carefully – but it helps that there are more and more public charging stations.
The charging infrastructure is growing exponentially
Only in Munich, the number of charging points has increased by more than 50 per cent within one year. This means that there are already around 1,200 public charging points here – which incidentally offer 100 per cent green electricity from SWM. According to the energy association BDEW, this puts the Bavarian capital in second place in the Germany-wide city ranking when it comes to charging points.
- Pictures: Steffen Leiprecht
Electromobility is becoming cheaper and cheaper
Although the purchase price of e-cars is still higher than the price of a comparable combustion car, it is worth taking a closer look:
- Charging with electricity is significantly cheaper than filling up with petrol.
- Maintenance and repairs cost less for e-cars than for comparable combustion cars.
- Tax advantages, subsidies and an increased environmental bonus of several thousand euros make the purchase price of e-vehicles shrink – often below the level of comparable diesel and petrol cars.
In the long run, the additional costs are balanced out. And: The prices for the expensive lithium-ion batteries are expected to fall in the future – and with them those of e-cars.
You can read even more good reasons for e-cars and other articles on the subject of mobility in issue 02/2021 of M-Puls.

More than 10,000 employees of Stadtwerke München contribute every day to make sure that everything runs smoothly in the city of Munich. M-Puls, the service magazine of Stadtwerke München, regularly takes a look behind the scenes of the municipal company.