What makes you happy
The regular feature "In the kitchen cupboard of ..." meets KPM connoisseurs who tell us about their favourite pieces. For KPM WEISS Magazine Issue No. 02, Antony Sojka photographed the remarkable collection of Karin Wudtke, who believes that if you have the passion, you create space for the things that make you happy every day.
"The LAB Collection is a gift for all the design lovers of the world."
Karin Wudtke
Read the full story in KPM WEISS Magazine Issue No.2

For the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (Royal Porcelain Manufacturing) Berlin, Storyboard created an elegant, sophisticated magazine: WEISS. It combines company history and product presentations with personal insights, conveying the values of a traditional company, while portraying KPM's contemporary progress. The second issue of WEISS was designed with an entirely black cover.