Matter of view
People say that you both are passionate about cycling. Is that true?
Zervakis – Yes! I once bought a single speed because it was so light. But when you ride it in Hamburg, you need padding on your bottom, otherwise you think you have a broken coccyx every time. Now I have a thick Holland bike. Insanely heavy, a mummy transporter with a child seat in the back.
Lohmeyer – I am also an enthusiastic cyclist and own many. I used to have one in every port, today I have a bike in every city. Or I get one locally. I also think it should be a matter of course that hotels have bicycles - without you having to pay twelve euros an hour.
You can read the entire interview in the ADAC Motorwelt issue 03/2020. More information about the new Motorwelt can be found on the ADAC website.

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