Energising Munich
SWM operates 54 renewable energy plants across Munich and its surroundings, with many more under construction and in planning. We commissioned illustrator Carolin Eitel to graphically bring this topic to life for SWM's M-Puls Magazine. Icons for the district cooling network, photovoltaic, hydropower, bioenergy, geothermal and wind power plants help to create a clear and attractive map of wind power generation in Europe.
Did you know...
- The district cooling network in the Munich city centre is already more than 14km long.
- 32 photovoltaic systems in Munich and the surrounding area help to generate green electricity.
- Hydropower is an important part of SWM's energy mix: the company operates 14 plants.
- SWM owns a biogas plant, and a large biomass cogeneration plant in Taufkirchen.
- Munich sits on a huge reservoir of thermal water. Five geothermal plants generate electricity and heat from it.
- The wind power plant in Fröttmaning is nearly 100m tall. A second plant is under construction nearby.
SWM began ramping up its renewable energy plans in 2008. Their goal is to produce as much green electricity in their own plants by 2025 as the entire city of Munich needs. However, because the Munich Metropolitan Region is very densely populated, the sun and wind are only of limited use, and the 10H distance regulation in Bavaria limits the expansion of wind energy, SWM cannot generate enough green electricity in the region. That is why it also produces green energy at other locations in Europe, in collaboration with partners.
Read the full story about Munich's renewable energy landscape in SWM M-Puls issue 03/2019.

How do more than 10,000 employees contribute daily to the well-being of a metropolitan city? M-Puls is a regular look behind the scenes at Munich's municipal corporation, Stadtwerke München. The 24-page magazine is a source of information and a loyalty touchpoint for SWM Group customers.