Two brothers, one passion
Anderl and Karl-Michael Friedinger run a carpentry, build piers and houses. And are now converting a former barn in Polling into a modern residential building with an eye for detail. For the SeeMagazin our author Martin Fraas met the two in Starnberg.
When two brothers stick together and join forces, they can do great things. The powerful Klitschko brothers come to mind immediately. Also the Huberbuam from the Berchtesgadener Land, who made it to fame as extreme climbers. Well, about such comparisons Anderl Friedinger and his brother Karl-Michael only smile. The two are far too down-to-earth and modest to want to see themselves in a row with celebrities.
"We want to preserve a piece of home."
Anderl Friedinger
So he suggested to completely demolish the 120 year old barn, build a new core and then cover it with the old beams of the barn. "As carpenters, we have decades of experience in working with old wood," says Karl-Michael. In the end, this also convinced the seller and the monument protection authorities. With their idea of dismantling, the brothers were awarded the contract for the conversion and prevailed against two major property developers.
"And that's a good thing," they would like to automatically add. Because with Anderl and Karl-Michael, both are master carpenters and trained construction technicians, the project is in the best hands. Their primary concern is not quick profit. "We want to preserve a piece of home", says Anderl. And anyone who chats with him soon realizes that this is not just an empty phrase.
You can find the complete article in the 2020 issue of SeeMagazin (only in German).

Wir lieben das Fünfseenland. Die Besonderheit der Region, die schönen Bilder und Geschichten sammeln wir deshalb einmal jährlich in unserem SeeMagazin ein. Zudem treffen wir jedes Jahr interessante Persönlichkeiten. Menschen die mit Begeisterung bei der Sache sind und ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf machen. Und deshalb war das Motto der Ausgabe 2020 „Menschen, Missionen, Meisterwerke“ – denn es sind neben der einzigartigen Natur, vor allem die besonderen Menschen, die die das Fünfseenland so einzigartig machen.